Midnight Sun Cruises

Midnight Sun

Experience the enigmatic allure of the endless Arctic summer, where the sun never sets and day blends seamlessly into night, on a Midnight Sun cruise through Iceland and the Norwegian Fjords. The spectacle of the sun at midnight has captivated travelers for centuries, creating a landscape bathed in a beautiful, ever-changing light. This ethereal voyage offers the chance to explore rugged coastlines, vibrant cultures, and pristine wilderness in the continuous glow of the Arctic summer. Come and explore a world where time seems to stand still and every moment is bathed in the warm, gentle light of the sun.

The Midnight Sun cruise navigates through the scenic fjords of Norway, docking at quaint ports such as Tromsø and Bergen, the gateway to Norway's fjord country. From there, it sets sail for Iceland's vibrant capital, Reykjavik, a cosmopolitan city surrounded by unspoiled natural beauty. During the cruise, passengers are treated to stunning landscapes, ranging from Norway's craggy cliffs and deep fjords to Iceland's black sand beaches and thunderous waterfalls. As the sun stays high in the sky, these stunning scenes take on an even more magical aura.

Midnight Sun Cruise Lines

Each Midnight Sun cruise features a one-of-a-kind combination of thrilling activities and luxurious amenities, all of which are designed to make the most of every moment. Learn more about the selection of Midnight Sun cruises in 2024 from major cruise lines such as Holland America, and Viking Cruises, as well as other ocean cruise lines.

Departure ports for Midnight Sun cruises

Cruises to the Midnight Sun typically depart from one of the cities in Northern Europe, such as Copenhagen, and London Greenwich, which are among the most popular departure ports.

The best time to take Midnight Sun cruises

The ideal time for a Midnight Sun cruise is during the Arctic summer, typically between late May and late July. This is when the sun stays above the horizon, creating the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun. The weather during this period is generally pleasant, allowing for comfortable exploration of the destinations. Additionally, this period offers the best wildlife viewing opportunities, as many species are most active during the endless Arctic daylight. Take a look for Midnight Sun cruises during the months of August 2024, and June 2025.

Midnight Sun Cruise Schedule 2024

A Midnight Sun cruise through Iceland and the Norwegian Fjords is more than just a journey; it's an experience that engages all the senses, invites reflection, and instills a sense of awe and wonder. It offers the unique chance to experience time in a new light – quite literally – and to engage with the stunning landscapes and rich cultures of these far-northern lands. Every moment under the Midnight Sun is a chance to make a lifetime of memories. So join us, and step into the eternal light of an Arctic summer.